Per Mouritsen
DU ER HER: Keynotes » Per Mouritsen

Per Mouritsen

Professor i Politisk teori og Medborgerskabsstudier ved Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet. Ph.d. fra European University Institute i Firenze.

Per Mouritsens primære forskningsområder er migrationsstudier, klassisk og moderne politisk teori, republikanisme, tolerance og multikulturalisme, medborgerskab, samt public service-begrebet. Han har været projektleder på en række danske og internationale projekter, herunder den danske del af projektet EMILIE, under EU's 6 rammeprogram, om europæiske perspektiver på medborgerskab og multikulturalisme.

For tiden er han leder af den danske del af et internationalt projekt med titlen ACCEPT: Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion: Responding to the Challenges of the 21st Century in Europe under EUs 7 rammeprogram.

Per Mouritsen har udgivet artikler i en lang række internationale tidsskrifter. Hans publikationsliste indeholder bogtitler såsom:

  • The Fragility of Liberty: A Reconstruction of Republican Citizenship, 2001.
  • DR og TV2 - I folkets tjeneste (med Martin B. Carstensen og Flemming Tait Svith), 2007.
  • Constituting Communities: Political Solutions to Cultural Conflict (med Knud Erik Jørgensen), 2008.

Troubled citizens: Civic integration as (mis)recognition

North-Western European nation states currently experience a civic turn in immigration, naturalization and integration policy and discourse, which renders nineties ideas of ‘post-national membership’ obsolete. Although optimistically diagnosed as constitutional patriotism (J.W.Müller) or liberalism (C. Joppke), the disciplinary elements and onus on social cohesion and national identity is at some distance from Habermas or Rawls. Integration programs, naturalization requirements, tests, declarations, and screening devices  reflect national citizenship cultures as forms of (mis)recognition – in a tough Hegelian sense: The new politics of recognition, far from multicultural minority rights, names good and bad citizenship, ironically recycling liberal, social democratic, and civic republican ideals as so many ways of stereotyping predominantly Muslim identities as un-civic – dependent, un-reasonable, un-democratic, and passive. The lecture suggests elements of a critique of this civic misrecognition.


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Revideret 06.12.2011