Globaliseringens borgerfigurer
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Figures of Citizenship under Globalization

How do the processes of globalisation change established understandings of what it means to be a citizen? Over the past two decades, it has often been put forth that we are witnessing a (tendential) movement from a national to a post-national, or even cosmopolitan, citizen figure. The purpose of this workshop is to investigate how processes of globalisation reconfigure classical citizen figures and the tensions among them. We are concerned with, among others, the 'citizen of the state' (statsborgeren), the 'fellow citizen' (medborgeren), and the 'citizen of the world'. One question is whether these citizen figures are intertwined today in new ways within the idea of a hyper-competitive global knowledge economy - and whether they, thereby, have a fourth citizen figure, namely the innovative and 'life long learning' 'employee', as a very central, if not always explicit, precondition?

[Translate to English:] Abstracts

Jens Bruun, Jonas Lieberkind og Søren Christensen: Unges borgeropfattelser


Hyldgaard, Kirsten: TBA


Søren Christensen og Jens Erik Kristensen: Borgerfigurer i konkurrencestaten

English abstract TBA


Søren Christensen, Associate Professor, Department of Education, Aarhus University.


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Revised 2012.01.15